The First Black Walter Cronkite - Part 2
You are now being watched...and that's the way it is
Has there ever been a time in your life when you realized that other people have a distorted view of who you are? Even if they’ve never met you? Or has anyone ever made a judgment about you based on something you have no control over—like your gender, race, or national origin, say?
And have you ever tried—really tried—to communicate with another person who just won’t listen? Well, I have. On today’s Jazprose Diaries, The First Black Walter Cronkite, Part 2—You Are Now Being Watched…And That’s the Way It Is
My mother worried after I got the radio job. She feared I might be harmed because of what I said on the air. Having lived most of her life under segregation, she understood the dark side of the Deep South better than I did.