Jan 24Liked by Andrew Jazprose Hill

Well, as usual, I learned something I didn’t know before. - the 2023 SC ruling. You are giving us (your readers) little nuggets of information in these quick hits. I love it! When I think of Andy Warhol, I think of pop culture first and then art. His paintings are important for both, in my very humble opinion.

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Jan 24·edited Jan 24Liked by Andrew Jazprose Hill

Well, now, "they" say 'beauty is in the eye of the beholder.' Putting it to you delicately, Andy Warhol never made me "sit up and pay attention" to anything! And, with that being said, you already know what my answer to your original question is!!

Wilma Blache

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Jan 24Liked by Andrew Jazprose Hill

Curiously, I can appreciate Warhol's importance without having the slightest interest in his art. It reminds me of the poetry of Gertrude Stein. Once you get the point, there seems no reason to see any more of it. As far as its financial value is concerned, I don't see any connection with merit. People pay small fortunes for NFTs, which don't even exist.

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